About Caitlyn

Monday, April 25, 2022

More Randomness + A Recap of 2022 Thus Far

Hey everyone!

I seriously cannot believe April is almost over. It seems like January was only a few days ago.

For New Year’s Eve, a friend of my parents dropped in “for a short visit” and ended up staying till midnight. I was going to try to stay awake till midnight, but around 10:00 I crashed on my parent’s bed and fell asleep, and was awoken half an hour later by my little brother hysterically giggling over some lame video right beside me. 

I was almost asleep again despite the giggles when he said, “Look! You HAVE (giggle giggle) to come (giggle) see this (giggle giggle).”

I pried my eyes open, glanced at the iPad, said, “That’s nice,” and fell asleep again. (He was deeply wounded that I didn’t find it as amusing as he did).

Eventually, my mom came and shooed me out of her bed because she wanted to put my little sister to sleep. 

So I lay down on the couch, and was awoken by the stampeding of many feet thundering out the door about an hour later, and, I jumping up in a half-asleep panic, staggered right into the piano. Ouch. I grabbed Daddy’s sweater (which was the only thing I could find to keep me from freezing) and went outside too. 

There we watched the New Year come in, and then I was ready to go to bed, but no, the others stayed outside watching the fireworks (there were a lot of fireworks), and talking about mind-numbingly boring things so I sat shivering on one of the porch chairs.

About ten minutes later, after my feet were good and numb, my parents’ friend finally left, and I barely made it to bed before crashing. And then I woke up at 7:00 the next morning. Nice.

New Year’s Day was fairly uneventful. Mama made mashed potatoes and sausages for supper. Sadly, she did not make sauerkraut, because there are only two people in our family that actually like it.

I also made zucchini bread that afternoon. I was looking at the recipe and it said something like, "makes 2 small loaves." So I decided to double the batch and then it turns out that "small" is just what is known to me as the regular size, so we were eating zucchini bread for quite a while

Thus began the New Year.

My birthday was the last week of March, and I am now officially 444,129,764 seconds old. Imaginary bonus points to anybody who figures out how old I am. 

About a month ago, in English, we were studying protest songs, and we listened to “Blowin’ In the Wind,” by Bob Dylan. We listened to Bob Dylan's version, and the next day we had the option to listen to Peter, Paul, and Mary's version (which I liked much better). Anyway, the song “Blowin’ In the Wind” is running through my head on loop right now, and it is immensely disturbing.

During the protest song unit, we had to make a PowerPoint on a protest song. My teacher gave us a list of 5 songs to choose from, and I just picked the first one on the list (which was "Allentown," by Billy Joel) because I had never heard of any of them.

We had three days to finish it, but I, as usual, procrastinated and procrastinated and procrastinated, and finally it was five days overdue, and that evening Mama told me I can’t go to bed until I finish it. It was already 8:45 PM, and I usually go to bed at 9, and as anyone who knows me will know, I get very cranky when anything gets between me and my bed and my sleep. 

   So I sat down, read the lyrics (I am ashamed to admit that I never even listened to it; just read the lyrics), and scribbled some stuff down, and managed to be in bed by 9:15.

    The next day, my teacher gave me feedback on my PowerPoint, and she said something like, “I can tell you really worked hard on this and understood the message Billy Joel was trying to give in his song.” Oops. 

    In other news, I got contacts for my birthday. This is exciting if, like me, you have had glasses for 8 years and have always wanted contacts. For people that have never worn glasses, you will never understand the thrill of not wearing glasses but being able to see!

    Well I need to go now so bye till next time!         -Caitlyn


The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind. The answer is blowin' in the wind!



  1. Thanks for making me laugh, the toe stubbing was the best part, only ' I ' would know how that happens and feels 😅 hope you have a great day!

  2. So much fun to read as always! :) :)

  3. Wow Caitlyn! You New Years sounded fun, apart from getting woken up all the time 🤣 Zucchini bread is one of the BEST things ever in my opinion lol, and a protest song unit sounds pretty cool if I do say so myself. I’d have to say, I’ve turned in assignments that I did very quick, and still got a full grade on haha. Hope your having a great week!

    -Annika Larraine @
